
August 21, 2011

A Beard of Stars - Tyrannosaurus Rex [1970]

Easy pastoral love pump action. Electrick prelude to bopping elf rampant. Great god Pan priapic, no mistake: First Heart Mighty Dawn Dart (at a push Organ Blues n' Woodland Bop). No more arse sitting cross-legged acoustic Tolkien schtick. Be upstanding for mighty Marc n' Micky. Less warble, more strut.

Oddi wrth y brawd
dedicated to the priests of peace, all shepherds and horse lords and my imperial liege lord - the king of the rumbling spires innit


Anonymous said...

My favourite of the pre-T Rex albums, especially FHMDD, lyrically challenging, acoustic but electric, Micky with just a bit of Steve thrown in, Marc's newer Ride A White Swan voice.

Y Brawd said...

not forgetting Dove...